JADE Promotes Smart Recovery

Did you know JADE Wellness Center is one of ONLY two places in Allegheny County that have Smart Recovery Meetings? 

SMART Recovery is an abstinence-based, not-for-profit organization with a sensible self-help program for people having problems with drinking and using. It includes many ideas and techniques to help you change your life from one that is self-destructive and unhappy to one that is constructive and satisfying. SMART Recovery is not a spin-off of Alcoholics Anonymous.  No one will label you an “alcoholic”, an “addict” or “diseased” nor “powerless”, and if you do not believe in a religion or spirituality, that’s fine, too.  In SMART Recovery an emphasis is placed on:

(1) Enhancing motivation;

(2) Refusing to act on urges to use;

(3) Managing life’s problems in a sensible and effective way without substances; and

(4) Developing a positive, balanced, and healthy lifestyle.

When you succeed at following the SMART Recovery approach, you may graduate from the program, or you may stay around to help others (SMART Recovery, 2018, retrieved from https://www.smartrecovery.org/about-us/).

Want to learn more about SMART Recovery?  Come to JADE Wellness Center-Wexford located at 101 North Meadows Dr. Ste. 234, Wexford, PA 15090 every Tuesday night at 7:00p.m.   Additional resources provided below. 
