To help provide quality training and supervision opportunities to interns pursuing completion of Master’s degree with a special interest in substance use disorder/Addictions counseling.
Jade Wellness provides the highest, professional care for the treatment of people living with addiction. This treatment is provided in a supportive environment while respecting the person’s recovery journey with an approach that is individualized and focused on the strengths of each client. It is the goal of JADE Wellness to make available the tools and resources to help every client achieve their recovery-related goals, be that an abstinence-based or harm-reduction program.
JADE Wellness Center is a family-owned business whose objective is to provide excellent clinical services to each client through recruiting, training and retaining the most talented, dedicated, and passionate clinicians. We help individuals and families heal from the impact of substance use and behavioral addictions; with a specialty in factoring in holistic approaches and co-occurring mental health goals into treatment plans.
Our treatment modalities and services are comprehensively designed to provide structure and support to individual needs. Our philosophy is “recovery starts at the door” as our treatment team works with each client to develop treatment goals within a program that supports them and the demands of their daily lives. Clients are offered individual, group, and family counseling, in addition to medication-assisted treatment tools such as Suboxone and Vivitrol, psychiatric services, and connection to Certified Recovery Specialists.
JADE currently has three state-licensed offices located in Monroeville, Wexford, and the Southside of Pittsburgh. The clinicians in our offices range from social workers to counselors, to art therapists. Each is supported in utilizing their distinct skillset and specialty training to take a holistic and client-centered approach to understand and treat the unique challenges that our clients face. We believe that we do our clients a disservice to focus on the individual without taking into consideration the influences of their environment, SES, biology, the family of origin, and current family system in the healing process.
JADE Wellness Center Internship Program Expectations/duties:
- JADE will provide you with:
- High-quality training and supervision
- Observation and facilitation of therapeutic programming
- Opportunity to contribute to the community and therapeutic field through research, educational and community programming, and accessibility of quality care
- Weekly onsite supervision opportunities meeting CACREP standards
- Evaluation and feedback of your performance
- Opportunities for development of skills and utilization of strengths
- You will be expected to:
- Participate in weekly supervision meetings
- Learn about services offered and the populations served
- Gain a full understanding of the medication-assisted treatment and psychiatric services provided by the agency
- Develop an understanding of best treatment practices for substance use population, co-occurring mental health, trauma, etc.
- Develop an understanding of the workflow at the agency, particularly with the electronic record-keeping system (Qualifacts CareLogic)
- Assist clinicians and staff members in providing appropriate resources and services for clients
- Engage with clients in group and individual counseling sessions
- Utilize and implement appropriate evidence-based interventions within sessions
- Develop treatment plans to address relevant treatment goals and objectives
- Facilitate level of care assessments utilizing agency service documents and determine appropriate referrals utilizing ASAM criteria
- Complete all associated documentation as necessary, such as therapy progress notes, needs assessments, and discharges in a timely, comprehensive, and accurate manner congruent with DDAP standards
- Follow all agency organizational policies and procedures
- Attend DDAP required trainings (Confidentiality, Addictions 101, etc.)
- Comply with HIPAA, federal and PA state confidentiality laws, and identified Code of Ethics (NASW, ACA, APA, AATA)
- Due to the highly specialized nature of the practice and the large amount of training to gain competency, students will be required to commit to two semesters for internship. However, JADE retains the right to terminate the agreement at any time if the supervisee does not successfully attain expected clinical skills or behaves in unethical or unprofessional ways.
- Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, clinical work and supervision may be conducted using HIPAA-Compliant Video-Conferencing Technology. Students and Supervisors will additionally be able to utilize this technology to provide occasional live supervision and record sessions (with client’s permission for supervision and coursework requirements.) Telehealth will also be used for group and individual therapy sessions. Basic training in Telehealth, as well as related ethics, will be provided.
- Each Intern will be paired with a Licensed Clinician who will serve as the intern’s site supervisor, and additionally will be paired with other clinicians for live observation, consultation, and day-to-day support and direction.
- The intern will receive a minimum of 1-hour individual supervision from the Site Supervisor and will be invited to attend group supervision (staff meeting) with the Program Director. Additional group supervision may be available depending on intern availability and interest.
- Interns will have the opportunity to observe and co-facilitate group and individual therapy sessions under the direction of an experienced clinician with increased responsibilities and contributions to the facilitation of sessions over the first and second semesters.
- Interns will receive training in Qualifacts CareLogic (the Practice’s Electronic Health Record) as well as treatment planning and effective DAP note writing.
- Interns will assist with managing referrals by answering emails and returning phone calls as well as connecting the referral with the appropriate clinician or intern depending on schedule, availability, and needs.
- Interns will be in contact with a diverse clientele of adults to help identify their areas of passion and interest.
- Depending on practice demand, a successful intern may receive an offer of employment post-graduation.
Interns can expect to conclude their internship with basic competencies in the following areas:
- Interns will have a basic understanding of the risk and benefits of Client-Centered Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Stages of Change, Models of Addiction and Recovery, Strengths-Based Approach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Creative Arts Therapies, Medication-Assisted Treatment, in addition to others as available.
- The Neurobiological and psychological impacts of trauma and addiction on the brain and body.
- Basic understanding of substance addiction, other process addictions, cross-addictions, and the ability to uncover the underlying “function” of the addiction.
- Ability to understand the Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale (ACES) and how it relates to the client’s history and treatment.
- Basic understanding of Trauma, and approaches to treat “ big T” and “little t” trauma.
- Building confidence in practice through the implementation and articulation of evidence-based practices and approaches based on scientific literature appropriate to client needs, identified treatment plan goals, assessment findings, diversity characteristics, and contextual variables.
- Basic group skills and documentation through DAP notes
- Engagement in self-reflection through supervision and consultation processes. Interns are encouraged to participate in weekly journaling regarding their learning and growth.
- Demonstration of understanding of own personal cultural history, attitudes, and biases and how they impact their interactions with people different from themselves.
- Establishing a spirit of professionalism through a supervised ethical decision-making process
- Demonstration of basic knowledge of supervision models and practices.
- Students must be approved by their institution to begin the fieldwork placement for Practicum or Internship through a Master’s Level Counseling or Social Work Program in Pennsylvania. Due to licensure regulations and the integration of Telehealth services, no students residing or practicing across state lines will be considered.
- Students must be of good academic standing in order to apply.
- Students must maintain a high level of self-motivation, devotion, and ethics.
- Students must show a strong interest in and dedication to working with the substance use disorder population.
- Due to the high level of training and specialization, all trainees must commit to completing their entire field experience through JADE in order to be considered.
- Apply today online and a site supervisor will reach out to you regarding your application. (Apply via the form at the bottom of this page)
- In addition to your online application, prospective interns will be requested to provide a letter of recommendation from either an employer from a related field or a master’s program professor describing the student’s work ethic and readiness to participate in the intensive learning program.
- Students will also be requested to provide a cover letter and resume detailing their interest in the program, how they feel they will be an asset to our team, an outline of their dedication to working in the field of addictions, and their learning goals across the practicum/internship semester(s).
- Due to the specialized services provided by JADE Wellness Center, it is necessary for students to have some basic understanding of Substance Use Disorders, Cross-Addictions, Co-Occurring Disorders, and Trauma. Students are recommended to have already completed an Addictions course and Group Therapy course in their master’s level studies. The recommended reading list should be completed upon starting the internship. Regardless of whether you ultimately receive the internship, familiarity with these concepts will inevitably benefit your growth and professional competency wherever you practice.
- If application materials are found to be well-aligned with the program design, an interview will be scheduled to discuss your learning goals, strengths, and growth edges. Please come prepared to discuss your takeaway understanding and thoughts on the recommended readings.
- Applications will be reviewed in the order they arrive and will be closed when positions are filled.
- Any questions regarding the application process can be emailed to leanna@myjadewellness.com
- Anda, R. F., Felitti, V. J., Bremner, J. D., Walker, J. D., Whitfield, C., Perry, B. D., . . . Giles, W. H. (2006). The enduring effects of abuse and related adverse experiences in childhood. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 256(3), 174–186.
- Dayton, T. (2000). Trauma and addiction: Ending the cycle of pain through emotional literacy. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, Inc. ISBN: 978-1558747517
- Miller, G. (2020). Learning the language of addiction counseling (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-119-43303-3
- Prochaska, J. O., Diclemente, C. C., & Norcross, J. C. (1997). In search of how people change: Applications to addictive behaviors. In G. A. Marlatt, G. R. VandenBos (Eds.), Addictive behaviors: Readings on etiology, prevention, and treatment (pp. 671-696). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/10248-026
Art Therapy
- Quinn, P. (2021). Art therapy in the treatment of addiction and trauma. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Schmanke, L. (2017). Art therapy and substance abuse: Enabling recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Addiction and Art: http://addictionandart.org/
- Alcoholics Anonymous https://www.aa.org/
- American Psychiatric Association – DSM-5: http://www.psychiatry.org/dsm5
Provides links to online assessment measures, based upon DSM-5 criteria. - American Psychological Association – www.apa.org
Provides helpful information for students in psychology and related helping professions, including the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct: www.apa.org/topics/ethics/index.aspx - The Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC): https://www.naadac.org/resources
- HELPGUIDE.ORG: Overcoming Drug Addiction-Substance Abuse Treatment, Recovery, and Help: http://www.helpguide.org/articles/addiction/overcoming-drug-addiction.htm
- Narcotics Anonymous https://na.org/
- National Association for Mental Illness – http://www.nami.org/
- National Institute on Drug Abuse: The Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction: http://www.drugabuse.gov/
- National Institute of Mental Health – www.nimh.nih.gov
- National Institute on Drug Abuse: The Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction, NIDAMED: Medical & Health Professionals: http://www.drugabuse.gov/nidamed-medical-health-professionals
- Recovery Dharma https://recoverydharma.online/
- SMART Recovery https://www.smartrecovery.org/
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, https://www.samhsa.gov/
- The Unequal Toll of Toxic Stress: www.americanprogress.org
TED Talks
- Brewer, J. (2016, February). A simple way to break a bad habit. TED Conferences.
- Brown, B. (2010, December). The Power of Vulnerability. TED Conferences.
- Burke Harris, N. (2014, September). How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime. TED Conferences.
- Esfahani Smith, E. (2017, September). There’s more to life than being happy. TED Conferences.
- Hari, J. (2015, June). Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong. TED Conferences.
- Beautiful Boy (2018)
- Ben is Back (2018)
- Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot (2018)
- Four Good Days (2020)
- 6 Balloons (2018)
If you have any questions or concerns about the internship program or application process, please contact our intern supervisor, Leanna Watt at Leanna@myjadewellness.com . Please note that internship opportunities are on rolling applications and interviews are granted on first-come, first-serve basis.